How to care for your dog in monsoon–here are 15 ways to do so!

Your fur baby although needs to be looked after at all times but during the monsoon ,it needs special care. This is mostly due to the fact that  its all wetty during rains and moisture content in atmosphere  is at its peak at the time.So this humidity and rain can be cause of some infections or medical issues which could result in serious health problems if left unattended. 

If you are having a vet nearby , you can ask him about the considerable increase in number of patients in monsoon season escpecially with dogs because they are more susceptible during the rains. Moreover there is sudden rise and fall in temperature parameters in environment to make the situation ever more worse. This would make your pooch more unconfortable and often he is not able to breath properly in extreme temperatures. Another very common and serious issue is regarding skin infections. For both short and long fur coated dogs ,very often moisture is trapped in coat which causes skin allergies, redness, bacterial  Infections, and excessive shedding of hairs.

 Other than these are some commom water born diseases such as diarrhoe,stomach infections,typhoid and pneumonia .Health issues due to fleas and parasites are also  observed in  many cases which are a cause of several sort of infections.These occur mostly when your dog comes in contact with dirty water or drink contaminated water from potholes outside while running and playing as these are innocent creatures not having the sense that these things can harm them. Eating contaminated food kept for couple of hours in open in unhigenic environment during the rains can directly effect the health of your dog and can even be fatal also if not taken care of properly.

 Moreover, if your dog is not getting proper exercise and taking in calories more than usual ,he may soon become obese which can again lead to heart, muscle, gastrointestinal and bone problems. So in a nutshell ,  monsoon being  one of the most enjoyable and welcomed season in the year, still can affect your pooch’s health if proper care is not given to him. Here are 15 ways and home remedies that a pet parent can follow to look after  and enjoy the monsoon with your furry friend –

Proper indoor exercise- During the monsoon , often it is not possible to take your dog on walk outside , so in order to exercise and burn his unwanted overexcited enery , make your dog involved in indoor activities such obedience training , tug of war, or few jumps and commands , which would fullfill his exercise needs and also will strenghten your bond with your dog.

Maintain Routine-  It would be a little problamatic to maintain your dog’s daily routine being indoor but still it is very necessary , because a sudden change in their routine can make them unconfortable and restless. So try to maintain the exercise , feeding and resting time of your pooch on everyday basis and this would thereby help him to deal with the adverse situations.

Grooming of coat – Maintaining and grooming the coat of your dog specially for those having long coat is extremely important.During the rains due to moisture , the hair can tangle to each other which can cause matting in the fur.This matting can work as host for parasites and insects, and can be extremely painful  whhile combing and its removal. So , this can be prevented by regular combing and keeping the coat clean on everyday basis.

Care for eyes,nose and ears –These are the body parts which are very prone to infection.This is due to the fact that a dog licks his nose , ears trap dirt while playing and tears in the eyes can cause fungal infection in the long run if not taken care of properly.So cleaning of the face with clean cloth, cleaning of ears with cotton buds can be some measures you can take.

Keep close eye on your furry friend- Playing around in open outside can be the most wonderful feeling for your dog , but it has some cons of its own. Keep a close watch on your dog while outside so that he should not drink or play in the potholes and mud which could contain contaminated water and can be a source of numbers of infections.

Carry drinking water- Its important to carry water along to drink for your dog while going on walks or just playing around as your dog may not be able to tell you but exercising for long can dehydrate his body which could be prevented.

Avoid contact with stray dogs-  Although each and every dog  deserves to be loved and cared for whether it be your pet or a stray one , still while taking your dog outside , prevent him from getting in contact with strays dogs. This is so because it could lead to a fight if the stray is aggressive or otherwise. Several diseases are contagious in dogs such as Parvo disease which your dog can get while in contact with other strays. Rabies could also affect your pooch if bitten by a rabies infected dog, so it is better to avoid contact with other strays outside.

Proper diet- There should be some necessary changes made in the diet of your dog during the monsoon as it is very much needed.  Due heavy rains probably your dog may not get enough exercise outdoor, so he may soon become very lethargic and obese. So try to reduce the carbs and calorie intake by including more protein and more fibre in the diet plan and reduce carbohydrate intake.     

Routine visit to vet- Routine visit to vet should  be taken care of throughout the entire year ,but its importance is much more during the monsoon , as your pooch becomes prone to several sorts of health issues which may not appear in the initial stage to you but may cause serious problem in the long run.

Frequent temperature changes- Temperature parameter should also be accounted for as there is frequent changes in temperatures during the monsoon before and after the rain.These changes in the environment may cause discomfort to your dog, so if necessary provide air conditioning to your dog if neeeded depending on the breed or type you have.

Use protective rain gears- Several types of clothing and rain gears for your dog are very trending in the market these days, which can be very helpful for you in taking care of him and can also enhance the style appeal of your fur baby.

Deworming before monsoon- Before the onset of monsoon , Deworming is very much recommended by the vets , because monsoon bring along several diseases and gastrointestinal issues  which are the most common so this step is necessary.

Safe enclosed space- Thunder and lightning during the rains can cause stress and anxiety in your pooch , so its better to provide him a comfortable and enclosed space and make him habitual of that area, rather than leaving him in the open like gardens or balconies.

Less frequent  bathing - Frequent baths are not recommended during monsoon as there is already moisture in the environment and bathing frequently can make the situation worse so scrubbing and cleaning is fine and proper combing on everyday basis is very necessary.

Quality time and training- There is no one more important for your dog than you so try to spend as much time as possible with him and exercise his hyperactiveness and enery in obedience training and other such activities which would strenghten your bond with your furry friend.